Profile Management
Profile Management
Nutrip Security
Updates to make it easier to create a trip request
What’s New in Nutrip
Update your profile from the Main Menu
You can now update your travel profile from the main menu in
Nutrip. This makes it easier to access your profile and update
your information, including your contact details, supplier
memberships, emergency contacts and passport information.
Update your Settings to save time
You can update your default cost centre and fund code in your profile settings. This saves time as the defaults are automatically added to expense items you add to the trip budget.
- Click on your avatar (top right of the home screen)
- Select profile from the drop down menu
- Click on the setting tab
- Click on the edit icon to update the settings
Timeout for Inactivity
We have updated our security to automatically log users out of
Nutrip if they are inactive on the platform for over 30 minutes.
Remember to click the SAVE DRAFT button if you need to step
away so you don’t lose your unsaved work.