What’s New at SPC Travel

Updates to SPC Travel Providers

New SPC Travel Providers

New SPC Travel Providers to assist you with travel bookings.

From Monday, 15 April 2024, Fiji Airways and Travel Professionals will be added to SPC’s list of preferred Travel Providers joining Brock Voyages. The appointment gives SPC travel booking capabilities in New Caledonia (Brock Voyages), Fiji (Fiji Airways) and New Zealand (Travel Professionals). The new appointments are designed to deliver SPC better travel booking capabilities across the Pacific.

Brock Voyages

New Caledonia

Phone: +687 28 34 39

Travel Professionals

New Zealand

Phone: +64 9 521 1761

Fiji Airways


Phone: +679 330 4388

Booking Services

Brock Voyages

Travel Professionals

Fiji Airways

Individual Flight Bookings




Group Flight Bookings

On Request



Excess Baggage




Hotel Bookings

On Request

On Request


Car Rental Bookings




Booking Currency




Noumea Airport Transfers

To be arranged by the SPC Travel Team

Service Agreements: Quote / Booking and Changes Response Times

Simple Trips

4 Hours*

4 Hours*

24 Hours

Complex Trips

8 Hours*

8 Hours*

* Response times quoted in business hours

The above booking services are available through each service provider as indicated in the table above. Additional booking services are available on request.

BCD Travel

BCD Travel’s services cease on Friday, 19 April 2024. Existing bookings will continued to be managed by BCD until they are completed and finalised. Changes to existing BCD Travel bookings can be made via email (spc@bcdtravel.com.au) or phone +61 2 7966 2234.

Nutrip Training

Nutrip provides training session for travellers looking to delve deeper into the functionality within the platform. Sessions cover a range of topics, including updating profiles, managing trips on behalf of others, policy and procedures, creating and managing travel requests.

Nutrip Trip Requests

Select your Travel Provider

You can now select from Brock Voyages, Fiji Airways and Travel Professionals as your Travel Provider when you create a new travel request in Nutrip.

Your selection will be based on preferred quote received from either travel provider. Don’t forget to attach your quote at the approval step before you submit your trip request for approval.

Currency Updates

Select the correct currency

When you add budget types to your budget, you will need to take care to select the currency to match the travel provider that provides your travel quote.

Brock Voyages quotes will be entered in Central Pacific Franc (XPF), Fiji Airways in Fijian Dollars (FJD) and Travel Professionals in New Zealand Dollars (NZD).

Trip Confirmations

Confirm your trip before your travel

Nutrip will send you an email when it’s time to confirm your trip. It’s important you confirm your trip before you depart as that’s what triggers payment of your per diem.

  1. Log into Nutrip
  2. Click on your trip
  3. Click the CONFIRM button
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